Monday, December 7, 2009


You have some good points about how power has corrupted Macbeth. I like how you showed what he was like at the start adn then you have begun to show what he has changed into.You may want to explain after each point how this is an example of his quest for power corrupting him and changing him. See pink sheet in class for more details. Overall good understanding of Eq.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How does power corrupt?

In the beginning of the play of Macbeth, Macbeth hears a prophecy that he is going to become king. But he realizes that his friend who is the king at the time is standing in the way of making the prophecy come true. He tells this to Lady Macbeth and she convinces him that the only way he will become king is to murder King Duncan. Macbeth was once a well mannered man who led the armed force to victory, but because of these prophecies, his life and reputation was ruined. He murdered King Duncan and after that, any blood shed after that did not affect him. In act 3, Macbeth heard another prophecy that Banquo is a major threat to his power because he suspects he murdered King Duncan for the throne. He does not want to take that chance of loosing his power, even if it means taking his friends life. Macbeth then took care of Banquo by sending two murderers out to murder Banquo and his son Fleance. Banquo ended up murdered but Fleance escaped. At the Feast, Macbeth finally feels guilty for murdering King Duncan and Banquo and hallucinates and sees Banquos ghost. Ever since that night he finally feels guilty and starts realizing what he has become. Therefore, Macbeth having power and wanting to keep it corrupted him and it ended with a loss friend.